Here’s where you can find my books and how to leave a review.
Amazon requires a minimum amount of annual purchase before people can leave reviews, so you may or may not qualify. Amazon has different storefronts, depending on where you live.
Amazon US:
Amazon Canada:
Amazon UK:
Other Amazon Stores: If you live elsewhere, just change the .com to your version of the Amazon store.
Click the cover of a book you’ve read, then scroll (way) down the book’s details page until you see star ratings on the left. Click the “write a customer review” button and do your thing.
Click the name of a book you’ve read. On the next page, just below the book cover on the left, click the appropriate star rating on the gray “Rate this book” text.
Click the name of a book you’ve read. On the next page, on the right, click “Review” and do your thing.
Click the cover of a book you’ve read. On the next page, scroll down until you see the red “Write your review” button.
Apple Books
On a desktop/laptop: Click the cover of a book you’ve read. Just below the book cover, click the blue button that says “view in iBooks” and Apple Books will open. Next to the cover, on the right, your screen will display the “Details” tab. Next to the “Details” title is another tab that says “Ratings and Reviews.” Click it to access the review interface.
For mobile instructions, see here (starting with step 2):
Google Play
Click a cover. Scroll to the “Reviews” section. Click on the “Write a Review” button. Add your star rating
Click “Submit” when you are satisfied with your review.